Bogglingly Greedy And Evil License Agreement
End User License Agreement Except as expressly stated in this section, to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, solarwinds is providing and licensing the software to you "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, end user license agreement , but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, title, non-infringement, and fitness for a particular doesn't assume any responsibility for possible interruption or suspension of whole or parts of the features on its sites resulting from actions or omissions by softorino or a third party. When subscribing to services provided by softorino, users recognize and accept that within the scope of regulations, softorino, its affiliated companies or companies which take part in maintenance, production or subcontracting shall not be held responsible for direct, indirect or accidental damages, or for the compensation of moral damages, costs, losses, decreases in the turnover o...